Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Life Changing Decision


Most of the materials produced nowadays are made of plastic, why? It is because plastic is non-biodegrade, easily mass produce and cheap. Plastic has many advantages, and we, humans only see their usefulness to us but we didn’t see its disadvantages to our environment. The real victim here is us, because our environment can survive but we, humans, cannot exist if our environment gets destroyed.  Tons of plastic wastes are dumped in landfill areas every day. Our land cannot decay this much plastic in a short span, but it needs years to decompose to become part of soil again. This plastic endangered many animal species, and let too many catastrophes to humans, like landslide and floods.  In my life changing decision, I bring my utensils, rice and an extra container so plastic will not be used. I used to buy “ulam” from carinderia, which uses Styrofoam, plastic utensils and plastic bags. I told the vendor to put the “ulam” in my extra container so that use of plastic is avoided. One evidence that I will start this routine is, I buy siomaio from Henlin and I told the vendor to put it in my container so I will prevent the use of plastic. Another thing is, I bring a water container bottle, in this way I prevent the use of plastic and save money as well. I think in this 2 simple way in my life changing decision, I am able to save the environment for the future generations. 

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