Environmental Laws
Through the Environmental laws,
people will develop awareness deep concern and knowledge of our mother earth.
There are many laws, decrees and acts with regards to environmental laws and
policies here in the Philippines.
Laws are made to be strictly
followed. But people nowadays, are not
concern of the acts we've done and its effect to our mother nature. Our
negligence of the current situation of the environment make us the main culprit
in destroying the environment. Pollution of course is the major problem which
destroys our environment, minimal pollution can be eliminated because of vast
green leafy trees need this, but huge amount of pollution and less trees will
led to air pollution.
More people = more waste, more
demand for food, more production of consumer goods, more need for electricity,
cars, to be exact more exploitation of earth’s resources . Increasing the demand
for food will force farmers and fisherman to exploit our resources and this may
cause endangered species to be extinct.