Friday, 8 February 2013

environmental laws!

Environmental Laws

Through the Environmental laws, people will develop awareness  deep concern and knowledge of our mother earth. There are many laws, decrees and acts with regards to environmental laws and policies here in the Philippines.

Laws are made to be strictly followed. But  people nowadays, are not concern of the acts we've done and its effect to our mother nature. Our negligence of the current situation of the environment make us the main culprit in destroying the environment. Pollution of course  is the major problem which destroys our environment, minimal pollution can be eliminated because of vast green leafy trees need this, but huge amount of pollution and less trees will led to air pollution.

The world's population has grown from 3 billion to 6.7 billion in the past 40 years. [source:]. The Earth's population is projected to exceed 9 billion by the year 2050.
More people = more waste, more demand for food, more production of consumer goods, more need for electricity, cars, to be exact more exploitation of earth’s resources . Increasing the demand for food will force farmers and fisherman to exploit our resources and this may cause endangered species to be extinct.

We hurt the environment in more ways we could possibly imagine. Many of us keep our eyes close when speaking about our environment. Giant tsunamis, and enormous earthquakes happens because it’s part of the nature but humans activities greatly trigger the nature’s cycle. One scenario is that, when  Tsunami hit a country, and almost destroy all man made infrastructure, death of human beings as well as shelter for humans and animals. Residents in that country witnessed in their own eyes the nature’srevenge. Do you think that Nature wants this to happen? For me, it is a yes. We humans are reaching the limit of nature’s capacity to give our needs, we just continue to extract and abuse our environment for our pleasure and needs. Our environment is a living thing, and someday it will die, for it to be alive, it must be taken cared of and sustain its needs. Our environment  is sick and how we must cure it? PARTICIPATE in programs which really care for the environment and give back its needs to sustain life for the future generations, promote green technology (especially for innovators, engineers, architects), abide and promote the laws protecting the environment. Let us ALL save and PRESERVE our Environment!

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