Tampakan Copper GOLD Project
Saturday, 2 March 2013
Tampakan Copper GOLD Project
Insight about the Group Report
About the Manila North Tollways
Manila North toll ways, or the NLEX was made in the year 2000, according to what I understand from the reporters, this project will significantly outweigh the adverse impacts in the environmental assessment studies. This project ensures the sustainability of the project benefits, in which they followed an effective monitoring scheme. I think that this project really met the standards for the environmental impact assessment test. Every environmental problem, they have a solution at hand which is carried out immediately like when a tree is cut, 10 trees will be planted to replace it. They monitored every environmental parameter by submitting every factor which has an effect to the said project.
“Rapid urbanization in Metro Manila and nearby regional growth centers resulted in a significant growth in road traffic. “ We all know that traffic stresses out people, consumes more gas, which led to more pollution. Due to traffic, levels of exhaust gas emissions such as the hydrocarbons,carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides will also increase. But they made a comprehensive traffic management plan which ensures minimal disturbance to every motorist.
“The widening at segments 1 and 2 as well as the upgrading and improvement of the whole system, is undertaken to meet these needs through increased capacity, improved safety, better operational efficiency, and restored riding quality.”, this statement is from the article I read from their report. For me,this will be an interesting report; this topic opens my mind to new possibilities of innovating things for the betterment of mankind, because as a future engineer and engineers solve problems, I must contribute something for my society, something that will be a great help not only for us but also for the future ones. Things such as improvement automobile efficiency of burning fuels or improving the use of hybrid and electric cars, through these we will attain a sustainable source of energy.
putting into action!
Putting our Course into Action
Being all aware of the things
happening in our surrounding is just like a conflict to any story of a book,
and one must read it in order to understand its resolution, just like our
surrounding or our environment, we must do the right act on it in order to
solve the problem. We all know that problems in our environment naturally occur,
but human acts trigger these problems, we are created to be the highest form of
creature, God provided us the environment we need in order to sustain our needs
and we, humans, have an obligation to our environment, we must protect,
conserve and preserve it for the future generation. Our future generations have
also the right to experience the wonders of our nature. We must not think of
our selfish desires for nature but rather think of possible and alternative
ways to solve this severe sickness of our environment, and if this continues
our race will face its extinction.
Our professor told us to cite the
existing problems found in our classroom, I think you can just imagine how
messy our room. Problems such as, no cleaning material, too much spill on water
leakage on aircon, broken armchairs, dirty curtains and pest like cockroaches
and rats. We address this problem To Whom It May Concern and told the current
situation of our classroom, he told us that he will take immediate actions to
our concerns.
“Action speaks louder than
words”; I think this must be the motto for our last blog. This last blog made
me feel realize that through the awareness of the problems on our environment
and with the help of our professor, we can help save the environment by
starting on changing ourselves, the life changing decision we made and through
acting on the problems on our room. Big things start from small things and just
like a ladder, we can’t reach the final step just by starting on the first step
of the ladder, in order to climb on the top of the ladder, we must continue to
step one after another, like our acts on solving the problems of the
environment, we must continue to act on saving the environment, in saving
Friday, 8 February 2013
environmental laws!
Environmental Laws
Through the Environmental laws,
people will develop awareness deep concern and knowledge of our mother earth.
There are many laws, decrees and acts with regards to environmental laws and
policies here in the Philippines.
Laws are made to be strictly
followed. But people nowadays, are not
concern of the acts we've done and its effect to our mother nature. Our
negligence of the current situation of the environment make us the main culprit
in destroying the environment. Pollution of course is the major problem which
destroys our environment, minimal pollution can be eliminated because of vast
green leafy trees need this, but huge amount of pollution and less trees will
led to air pollution.
More people = more waste, more
demand for food, more production of consumer goods, more need for electricity,
cars, to be exact more exploitation of earth’s resources . Increasing the demand
for food will force farmers and fisherman to exploit our resources and this may
cause endangered species to be extinct.
Sunday, 3 February 2013
hydroshpere! :)
Hydrologic Cycle and its effects (Water Utility and Water Balance)
Despite the abundant water resources in the Philippines, the allocation of this are unevenly distributed which results in water shortages in highly populated area, especially on dry areas. With the increase of population coupled with worsening pollution of water, lack of infrastructure and facilities result in distribution issues and conflicting rights over limited water supply here in the Philippines.
Being unaware of the things happening around us is the main cause of the destruction of resources. If this continues, our race will face the extinction sooner or later. We must change this paradigm, it is not too late to give back to our mother Earth what we extract from her. Let us be the instruments of change, and we must start within on ourselves.
Earth's Atmosphere
Our Earth's Lithosphere
During our discussion in Environmental Engineering, I was
recalled about the land portion of our earth.
30 percent of the Earth is composed of land. Land is very important to
us, humans, because this serves as the foundation of our shelter. Our Earth
composed of three main layers, the core or the inner layer, the mantle and the
crust which includes the continents and the ocean floor. Our Earth’s outer layer is broken into pieces
and this is called tectonic plates.
We, humans are not just the cause of the rise in natural disasters
but we also played the major role in destroying our environment and are
continuing to do so. Our environment is being damaged more by us, humans, than
by natural disasters. We can give back to Mother Nature what we have taken from
her. WE act NOW or pay the price soon.
Wednesday, 2 January 2013
Life Changing Decision

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